From the Clark County Parks Department...
"The Clark County Parks and Community Services, in partnership with the Nevada Arts Council, is providing a free workshop for artists wishing to enter into the expanding field of Public Art.
The workshop will feature three well-respected and internationally
recognized artists with experience in public art projects: Barbara
Grygutis from Tucson, Arizona; Buster Simpson, from Seattle, Washington;
and Kevin Berry from Phoenix, Arizona. The workshop will be held on
Wednesday, June 9, from 6:00pm - 9:00pm, at the Winchester Cultural
Center, located at 3130 S. McLeod Dr., just north of Desert Inn Rd.
Public art is becoming more prevalent in public and private spaces, and
nationally is becoming required as part of construction projects in many
municipalities. Public art has evolved, and now is not necessarily just
a statue placed in a public location. Governing bodies and corporations
require design concepts that may involve large expanses of landscape,
but also engage the viewer, and are to take into account historical and
environmental elements of the site.
The three artists presenting this workshop are currently working with
the Clark County Parks & Community Services' Cultural Division to
develop a concept plan for a large public trail project in Las Vegas,
the Flamingo Arroyo Trail. The purpose of the workshop is to inform
local artists about public art opportunities. The County is also looking
for interns to work on the trail project, and learn while doing.
All three artists will present examples of their work, explain how they
entered into the field of public art, and answer questions from the
audience. Prior to the workshop, interested artists are encouraged to
visit the these websites (Buster Simpson, Public Art Network, or
Artist Registry of American Fine Artists). For more information,
call Diane Bush at (702) 455-8239, and for directions, call Winchester
Cultural Center at 455-7340."
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