From the coffin-shaped desk of Bryan @ Coffin It Up comes the first-hand report of the Christmas Lights Cruise held on the 13th.
"Seven finely decorated hearses set out on their First Annual Xmas lights cruise at about 7 pm, Sat night (Dec 13th). The first stop was Palm Mortuary where everyone enjoyed all of the animal configurations in lights. All of the hearses pulled over to the side, and took a few pictures, and talked to security, and cruised on to Sunset Park's "Gift of Lights".
I don't know who enjoyed themselves more: the hearse owners enjoying the lights, or the workers at Sunset Park, admiring the hearses! Santa even gave us a thumbs up! We were cheered by all of the workers and many of them took pictures of us.
After enjoying the festivities there, we cruised to Macayo's Mexican restaurant. The miles to the restaurant were filled with cheers from people walking the streets, and horn honking and thumbs up and peace signs from other vehicles. One man even gave us the sign of the cross, over his chest.
Over dinner, the name for the club was announced: "SinCity Coaches" is now official.
Prizes were given for the best decorated vehicles.
1st place... went to Michael for his 1960 Cadillac Superior Hearse / Ambulance Combination , decorated with beautiful lighted angels, and three very large wise men on the very top which lit up when Michael turned his ambulance light on. His prize was a $40.00 Hawaiian Plantation House gift certificate.
2nd Place... was a 1968 Cadillac Superior undulating Hearse w/Suicide Doors, Charger hood scoops & Side pipes, which was decorated with silver tinsel garland. (owned by Brian of World Comedy). His prize was a $20.00 Country Inn gift certificate.
3rd place... went to Mr. Frost. A white 1972 Cadillac Superior hearse also with suicide doors, which was decorated with twinkling black and white lights, and black garland. He is owned by Bryan and Dusty of Coffin It Up. Their prize was a $10.00 Carl's Jr. gift certificate.
There were 16 bodies in attendance, and everyone had a great dinner, and enjoyed hearing about club plans. Membership dues were discussed, and everyone at the meeting shared ideas and stories.
A gift exchange game was played, and everyone had fun stealing presents from each other. The gifts exchanged included Flaming skulls, wine sets, candles, calendars, and coffins.
The club is in its early infancy, and the fun has just begun. In the upcoming year we will be launching an official Website. We will be planning and participating in a lot of great club events such as... Movies, Road Trips, Car Shows, Cruise-Processions, Tours, Parties, Bar-B-Qs, just to name a few. We hope to have a mailer out by the end of the first Quarter."