
Sunday, December 07, 2003

It's Christmas in Vegas: Bring out Your Dead

Nothing says "Christmas Spirit" more than hearses and ambulances. So when you see both cruising the streets, fear not. It's just this year's Christmas Lights Cruise. The folks from Coffin It Up will be taking their ride out, along with other owners of service vehicles. From Bryan at Coffin It Up...

"We will be having our 'First Annual X-mas Lights Cruise' on Dec. 13th. This cruise is for all hearse, ambulance and limo drivers in Nevada, as well as any other interested professional car owners in any other states who wish to join us.

Our cruise will start at 6:30 pm where we will cruise through Palm Mortuary Green Valley. We will continue to Sunset Park and when we are done there, we will cruise through Palm Mortuary NorthWest. We plan to wrap this up at about 9 or 9:30 pm.

We will then go to Macayo's Mexican Restaurant for a dinner Fiesta. At the restaurant, we will be eating and voting on the best decorated vehicle, as well as discussing the plans for starting up a local professional car club. We will also name the new club.

(You don't have to own a professional car to join the club, you just have to love them, and love to have fun.)"

The cruise will take place on December 13th, the same night as the Christmas Nightmare.