
Wednesday, November 19, 2003

From Slacker to Nuclear Scientist to DJ Extraordinaire in Three Easy Clicks

So, let's say that you’re a Vegas Valley slacker unwilling to leave your house, but you want a college education. But UNLV, CCSN, and Nevada State either don’t meet your criteria for higher education, or you're too lazy to leave your damn house. Rejoice, the internet has provided you with an option.

MIT's OpenCourseWare project now provides anyone with an internet connection downloadable “problem sets,” PDF files, and online lectures on subjects like Intermediate Chemical Experimentation, Nuclear Systems Design, and Electron Microprobe Analysis. Please remember that when taking Electron Microprobe Analysis, you need to be running Microsoft Microprobe 98 or higher. But you know that real money is in... running a set of turntables. Physics be damned, chicks dig a DJ.

That’s where the Berklee Music School saves the day. Like MIT, the Berklee Shares program has educational digital downloads, lesson plans, music, and videos. Unlike MIT, it offers practical classes like Basic Hard Rock Keyboard, Afro Cuban Drum Rhythm, and Basic Scratching for DJ's. Sweet!

So, take heart. Whether your ambitions be scientific or down-beat jungle house lounge, there’s a college out there looking to make you better. And the price tag couldn’t be cheaper.